Sunday, January 16, 2011

Local agriculture Predicted to get Huge in just eight years

NEW YORK:  A group of futurist experts and authors convened by the politically conservative business magazine Forbes predicted that by 2018, only seven years from now, 20 % of the food eaten in major urban areas of the USA will be grown close to, or in the city itself.  The magazine noted that this is a huge dollar number and would really shake up modern American agriculture, which is currently built around a small number of large-scale farms and long distance shipping.  "In addition to making our cities more resilient, the health benefits, for both our bodies and our planet, of consuming food that is grown within a small number of miles of our homes or workplaces are significant."  the magazine said in the October 25th 2010 edition.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. My husband and I will be interested in learning from your blog as my husband wants to return to his own farming roots and dreams. Blessings.

  2. We were excited to learn of another couple starting in sustainable ag. It is inspirational to read other families experiences in this lifestyle though it seems most have been working it for a few years. We will enjoy learning and growing along with you!
